“Final article” Sandra2021-12-17T08:43:30+02:00

Sandra final article

It was September 2020, I was kind of stuck with my life and I had no clue of what to do. That’s when I discovered that I had the option of volunteering abroad so I took the chance. Now, I have already finished my voluntary service in Poland and I think that it has been one of the best decisions I have taken in my life.

I spent almost 8 months in Poland (from November 2020 until July 2021), in a project related to the world of the alternative education. Now, when I think about it, I feel that it was all super short and that it all ended super-fast but, at the same time, I feel that it has been years since I took that flight from Barcelona.

It has been a really intense experience. I lived abroad for the first time in my life, with people from different parts of the world, of different ages and ways of living. I had to face situations that I had never experienced before. I met some amazing people with whom I connected instantly and also others with whom I know I would never connect. And all that things and lots more are the ones that made me grow as a person and that made me see the world with different eyes.

I also spent a lot of time with children, as that’s what the project was about, and I am still amazed about the amount of things that I was able to learn from them. Usually, we see children as little human beings which need to be taught about how to act, how to behave, how to think… but they are not incomplete human beings, they just see life in a different way and have less barriers when it comes to think and act and I think that this is super cool.

I don’t know what is waiting for me now in my “adult life” and I am really curious and scared at the same time but, overall, I am happy because of what I was able to experience during this months and I would not change anything.