“Final article” Marc Trias Colom
Time to come back home:)
In this final article I want to focus in the experience when a volunteer return to home after his experience as a volunteer. I would also like to do a little summary about my experience with my project in Warsaw, Poland.
One important fact, in my case, is that I had this experience for a long term period, (exactly 7 month) and it means that is a lot of time enough time to live a lot of different and amazing things despite the pandemic covid-19. This fact is very important and interesting because when one’s come back to home this sensation of amazing and stimulation in my case everything changes a lot. The enviroment of course, but also the intensity of the experience. It is difficult to explain. The habit to talk «every time» in English, to listen everyday Polish (in the street, tv, computer, spotify;) and to come back you listen only mother language (it is pleasant of course, but it shocked me a lot when I came to Barcelona) to have again this sensation to be able to understand most of conversations. I had the tentation to ask to my father in English, and it could be very very rare, but finally I didn’t! Other important thing is the fact that when you live in a foreign country every day is a little adventure in terms of news, surprises, discoveries. And the life “after” volunteer live is something completely plain, stable, at least in my experience of returning home to my parents and perhaps the surprise is that “everything is the same that it was before” (having this amazing experience, of course). It was also amazing to see again my family and friends but it shocked me a little bit this non-gradual change aftern volunteering. This sensation that in less than 24 hours you change everything: Country, flate, environment, culture, currency, language.
Conclusions about my project: I was in a free democratic school in Poland (the first!)that’s called Bullerbyn and my position was between volunteer and teacher. It was very nice because I had the opportunity to develop some Spanish lessons, Chess and music activities related to music: to construct some instruments, to discover national musiques,etc. I enjoyed and learn a lot from kids and teachers having this opportunity to interect with differents habilities, personalities, values, knowledges and interests. I had also to say that I had this handicap relative to «pandemic times» and most of time the work with kids was in the virtual modality. But I took advantage from that and I learned a lot and improved my technological skills.
Dziękuję bardzo, Bullerbyn, Warszawa, Polska