Final article Chichak2021-12-17T08:32:21+02:00

Final article Chichak

Hi! It’s Chichak from Azerbaijan with my last article. I am finishing my project in couple of days and I think it’s good idea to share with you what happened during this perfect period.

I will just categorize all the things  I get this year:

1.Friends – I got a big amount of friends that I will never forget. One good part of living with people was that we were getting connections and getting close more and more.
2.Experience- I have just graduated from university so this was first work experience for me and I worked in Special need school helping to teacher and students during different kind of classes (glass, ceramics, social functioning etc.) .
3.Learning how to live alone- I literally learnt how to survive on my own because when I came here I had no idea how to cook or clean.

There are a lot of nice things about this period but to summarize I can say that I will never forget this year of my life and I am so thankful about it.I recommend everyone to experience this adventure.

Chichak from Azerbaijan, volunteer in Sosnowiec

This project is co funded by European Solidarity Corps.

